silly thoughts and weird stuff

4/30/24: ahahahah hi sorry it's been a month and literally nothing here has changed at all lol.... i just graduated from college this weekend and im trying to figure out adult life which ironically has been giving me more time to work on coding and stuff! planning on looking around for ways to make the website better like adding a guestbook and making the homepage sillier. hoping to also update the plants and art section soon because those things have changed a lot recently. hope you all are doing well! <3

3/30/24: hi hi hello! i hope you guys are all doing good and well sorry i've been absolutely dying and i've been spending most of my time coding screwing around in linux. still thinking about a way to change the home page but i haven't gotten there yet. i'm also thinking about making a website about sustainable practices and the recycling industry, because it's related to my job and something i care about a tonnn. i might add a test page with some of the planned content to this website but i'm not sure yet. if u have any thoughts about that, let me know through neocities and in the meantime i'll work on getting a guest box going on this page so i can actually talk to people instead of just myself haha. :)

3/14/24: hi hello i swear im not dead!!!! im not dead yet!! i've just been drowning in school and work and lab and social life and tyring to figure out how to code a window manager that this has fallen by the wayside unfortunately. im definitely still going to continue working on this, but updates will probably be sporadic and not super noticeable until the summer when i have more time to fuck around with how the home page looks. n e way i hope you all are doing so so good out there <3333

2/10/24: im screaming and crying dude im so mad that im not a real adult with space for a fish tank, i desperately want to have fish!!! went to the store with my boyfriend today to get stuff for his shrimp tank and there was a green spotted puffer and i fucking fell in love with him he is the world's sweetest little guy i have EVER seen i swear!!! he was just very cute and looking for food at the bottom of the tank and it was so sweet. i cannot wait to have an actual house that is mine so i can spend money on fishies!!

2/9/24: bro i've been watching dungeon meshi and im obsessed with all of these weirdos. im definitely going to read the manga soon bc oooohhh my god im obsessed with all of them. also im aware that it gets weird but i dont know how and im terrified about that tbh. n e way i love senshi and laios they r so real and true and marcille is such a mood tbh. ok end of anime rant thanks.

1/25/24: hi guys, little update, im still working on updating the blog, but i think it's a little beyond my coding skills at the moment so that will probably come much later. for now, it'll probably be more of the same, especially since im still working through pokemon black :)))) hoping to maybe work on combining some of the other pages here onto the blog and then reformat it from there??? idk but i'll figure it out eventually so we'll see how it goes

1/11/24: hi hello it's 2 pm and im sitting and waiting for my next class but also thinking about coding and i don't know what to code so i'm just out here typing idk. i should probably do homework, but yeah im working on making this blog cooler, with different sections for my art collections and music recs and plants and other personal stuff. i'm gonna try to get some homework done now i suppose. hope you're having a good one out there lads.

1/8/24: hi hi hello i didn't die i swear to god holy shit, i was trying to do something with linux and i had to take out one of my usbs for mouses and stuff and i accidentally closed my laptop on it and crunched my screen :/// im working on updating this page, but my schedule for this semester is pretty fucking packed, so we'll see how it goes, depending on what the workload is

12/10/23: damn it's been a hot minute. i am no longer ill and it's my finals week so im procrastinating homework :) my housemate and i have been trying to dedicate time to drawing everyday, so here's some pages from my sketchbook this week. not anything particularly interesting, but i definitely like it a lot more than some of my old art.

11/26/23: it is literally 2:50 am.,, i really literally cannot sleep recently and it's AWFUL!!1! n e way all this to say that i am thinking about the stupid josh hutcherson whistle by flo rida edit,,, i didn't see my housemate for two days and she had saved like twelve for me, all equally awful and i hate it but also wow it brings me joy. there was definitely something else i was going to mention but uhhhh i forgor oopsie.

11/19/23: hi everyone, this is totally useless but i've been super sick lately and my lovely boyfriend has been keeping me entertained by literally just going through the pokedex and talking about different pokemon. we've only gotten through the first 150 or so, but i wanted to make a little list here of my favorites, especially because i had NO IDEA that gigantamax pokemon were a thing and im IN LOVE WITH THEM, they're soooo cool and look so fu :)))) in order, here are venosaur, charizard, blastoise, pikachu, meowth, gengar, lapras, and snorlax :) they are all so friend shaped to me <3 ok maybe that's not the right word but i love them and i wont hear otherwise.

10/19/23: i just need everyone who has ever seen this webbed site to know that i regularly say like the legend of the penis because of this accursed image. it has quite literally become a housewide saying that means absolutely nothing. keep slaying absolute penis guys

10/11/23: here's another silly art thing i did. been watching a lot of adventure time lately and came up with this while i was doodling as a homework break. i think his name is bog frog until i can think of a better rhyme. hope you're doing good :)

10/8/23: hi hello again! idk why but i wanted to put some of my art on here, so have a frankie that i did this morning. i might color them in or use it for painting practice, we'll see :)

10/5/23: hi hello! idk why but i thought maybe i'd include a blog on this site. i'm not quite sure where i'm going to go with this, but hopefully i'll figure it out as i go. it'll probably just end up as a dumping ground for my own art and silly interesting thoughts that i have. i hope you're having a good day out there wherever you are :))

art stuff

5/2/24: hi hi im alive again!! i've been making art on and off since the last time i updated this, so im just going to put up my favorite pages in my sketchbook from the oldest to most recent :)

hi hello once more, made this one over the last couple of days, today being 11/8. no particular meaning but i found a few really good ocean themed magazines at work and NEEDED to cut them up

hi hello again, this is al from november 2023! made this during halloweekend and i'm really proud of it, it looks so nice on my wall :) especially love the little cat guy that my boyfriend refers to as el wiwi <33

yea so this is a weird one i made a few years ago that ended up being about depression even though i didn't go into it with any artistic intention

so i made this on the same day as the previous one, i've since forgotten the exact date but i'd say sometime early 2022. i think this one speaks for itself but i really like the color scheme :)

plant time :))

1/20/24: hi hello sorry, new plant update coming soon i swear to god i just have a hard time remembering to do it and then it stresses me out lol oopsies


on the left is the silverinch cutting, i think he's doing really well :) i love seeing him get new leaves because i remember when there were only two and i was terrified lol. still thinking about names for him, don't have too many ideas yet. my neon pothos on the right isn't doing bad, but it's not doing well either. i think i need to get the roots to take to the soil, gotta find a good way to trap the humidity in.

so my fern doesn't really look any different from last month, maybe some of the bits are longer but other than that it's the same. instead of the monstera, here's a look at my echevaria cutting (my boyfriend took it back to his place to get proper roots :) ). i love this echevaria, his name is darryl and he's a little cutting off of my HUGE one that i had for several years, but eventually it got too big for me to properly take care of :(

finally, here's my marble pothos. she's not looking too different from the last update, but none of her leaves are turning brown so i'm taking that as a sign that she's not dying at least :)


on the left is a silverinch cutting that i got at my previous job, i worked at a flower shop and my boss shoved it at me lol. i've had it since july 2023 and since then i've had to restart the cutting twice, but hopefully the third time is the charm. the little guy on the right is a little baby that my boyfriend cut off of his neon pothos for me earlier this month. i hope that the roots planted but who knows.

the one of the left is also a cutting from my boyfriend haha. it's a really nice monstera, hopefully it grows roots big enough that i can propagate it. on the left is a fern that i impulsively got from the home depot by my house in september 2023, it's been doing pretty good and im really excited to see if it gets big :))

finally, this is my marble pothos that i Just bought a couple of weeks ago from a local plant shop, im really excited, i like all the colors that she has going on.